Who Do You Call With Questions?

Posted on September 4, 2015

"So we find ourselves continually learning..."

What we do is complicated, right? I don't just mean what I do. I mean what you do. You're running a business. You're balancing your home budget. You're trying to figure out how to make your store more attractive to window shoppers without cutting into your prophets. That's just not just mathematics. That's psychology! You probably weren't trained for a lot of that. So we find ourselves continually learning

I don't know about you, but sometimes I just want to ask a professional. I want to ask somebody who knows more than me. That's easy with my financial questions. I just ask my CPA. But what about all those other questions. What about decorative questions? What about content writing? What about my car? What about your computer?

The other day, I had a client - that's what I call anyone who calls me, especially someone who has used my services at least once - call me the other day. She had been having internet problems and had called her ISP. Through troubleshooting with her, they got her up and running but told her that the problem was her router. They told her that she would need to buy a new router. After she got off the phone with them, she realized that she still had questions.

So this client calls me, her "IT Guy", and asks why she needs a router. Turns out... She doesn't. She has one computer. She doesn't use her wireless at all. She's not networking any other equipment and is able to get online with just the original equipment provided by her ISP. She asked me a few other questions while she was on the phone, and that was it. She's not going to get a bill for that, and now she doesn't have to buy a new router.

"Do you have someone you can call with the silly questions?"

To my benefit, I know that the next time she needs help with her computer, she'll call me. What about you? Who will you call? Do you have someone you can call with the silly questions? Do you have someone who knows your system enough to jump into action when you run into big problems? If not, I'd love to meet you. 


This is Just a Day in the Life...
-Israel Arnold

That image is what phones looked like back when Dinosaurs and I roamed the earth. You know back in the 90's. That image is from http://www.archetypefotografie.nl/

Technical Questions
IT Department

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